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 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !

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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyMer 20 Nov - 20:48

Allyson P² Sparks-Smith
Featuring Demi Lovato - Disponible

NOM ► Sparks et Smith (adoption oblige) PRÉNOMS ► Allyson P² SURNOM(S) ► Ally, Lilly, chouchou ÂGE ► 17 ans DATE DE NAISSANCE ► 27/01/1996 LIEU DE NAISSANCE ► New-York ORIENTATION SEXUELLE ► Hétérosexuelle STATUT CIVIL ► Célibataire MÉTIER ET/OU ÉTUDES ► Lycéenne + groupe de musique AVATAR ► Demi Lovato GROUPE ► Comme vous le souhaitez hormis Family à cause de son histoire CRÉDITS ► Tumblr NEGOCIABLE ► peu négociable mais on peut toujours en parler Smile

Tu crois que t'es sympa ?

Je voyais Allyson comme une fille assez complexe. Je m'explique, je la vois généreuse à souhait et toujours pleine d'entrain mais en même temps, fragile en dessous de cette carapace de gaieté et vous pouvez même la voir comme une personne assez lunatique au vu de ce qu'elle a vécu. Elle est également ambitieuse, c'est une battante qui ne lâche rien pour obtenir ce qu'elle veut et qui veut simplement réussir sa vie. Quelque peu timide, elle se montre très agréable quand on l'a connait un peu mieux.

L'histoire d'Allyson est assez complexe mais ne vous en faites pas, elle n'en est pas pour autant impossible à jouer. Née dans la haute société New-yorkaise, elle a très vite appris les codes de celle-ci, les soirées mondaines n'ont jamais été vraiment son truc mais elle savait que si elle voulait se faire des amis, elle se devait de faire honneur à son nom et se montrer dans ses soirées. C'est d'ailleurs dans l'une d'elles qu'elle rencontra Ahava, la petite fille qui deviendra sa meilleure amie et sa sœur adoptive par la suite. Tout semblait aller pour le mieux pour la jeune Sparks mais alors qu'elle n'avait qu'une dizaine d'année, un scandale éclata dans sa famille. Son père avait commis la pire des fautes dans un couple, il avait trompé sa femme et sans un mot, sans une explication, il décida de partir, abandonnant alors sa compagne désormais dépressive et sa fille qui n'avait même pas encore atteint la puberté. Quelques mois plus tard (environ 1 an et demi), la mère d'Allyson se suicida, ne supportant plus le poids des regards et de la vie de l'Upper East Side. Allyson se retrouva donc sans mère mais également sans père qui ne voulait plus d'elle et qui refusa de la prendre chez elle. Allyson le vécut très mal. Mais heureusement pour elle, la famille Smith (famille d'Ahava) pris la décision de l'adopter et pendant quelques années, elle connut le bonheur de vivre dans un foyer stable et aimant. Seulement, il y a quelques mois, les parents d'Ahava ont commencé à se disputer fortement et ont finit par divorcer, entrainant le déménagement de toutes les filles de la famille Smith à Savannah. Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez consulter ma fiche ici même

On se connait d'où en fait ?

AHAVA E. SMITH | SELENA GOMEZ ► Meilleure amie Ahava et Allyson se sont rencontrés alors qu'elle n'était que des enfants lors d'une des nombreuses soirées mondaines new-yorkaises où les deux petites filles avaient été obligées de se rendre pour montrer l'unité familiale. Ahava a toujours été là pour Allyson, même pendant les dures épreuves que cette dernière a traverser. Lorsque les parents de la jeune Smith ont décidé d'adopter la jeune Sparks, les deux jeunes filles ont tout de suite approuvé cette décision car grâce à elle, elles ont obtenu ce qu'elles avaient toujours rêvées d'être, des sœurs ! Seulement, des soeurs qui ne se disputent pas, cela n'existe pas et c'est ce qui se passa à cause d'un garçon nommé Ethan dont les deux jeunes femmes tombèrent amoureuses mais ce joli garçon choisit Allyson, ce qui entraina une rupture entre les deux amies. Mais cette rupture n'en resta pas là, elle se transforma en vraie guerre de pestes et les deux jeunes femmes devinrent des ennemies l'une pour l'autre. Mais rien ni personne ne peut séparer deux amies pour la vie et quand Ahava surprit Ethan en train d'en embrasser une autre, elle prévint immédiatement Allyson. Les deux amies redevinrent alors aussi proche que les deux doigts d'une même main et ne se quittèrent plus depuis. Vous l'aurez compris, Ahava et Allyson ( Double A ^^ ) partagent une histoire d'amitié complexe mais unique qui les rends inséparables et indispensables l'une à l'autre Very Happy

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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyMer 20 Nov - 20:48

Parce que je t'aimerai toute ma vie

Et que je suis un peu chiant(e)

Bonjour toi petit invité ou petit membre qui s'il est arrivé jusque là est intéressé par mon scénario. Saches déjà que je te remercie de t'y intéresser et que j'espère que tu nous rejoindras. Maintenant passons aux points importants du personnage :
Avatar : Très peu négociable car l'amitié Demi-Selena nous offre une très grande ressource d'image et parce que j'adore ce duo (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518 Et de plus, Demi Lovato correspond parfaitement au rôle d'après moi donc elle est difficilement négociable mais si vraiment tu ne peux pas la voir en peinture, on peut toujours en parler par MP Very Happy
Prénom & Nom : Tout est négociable et remodelable à ta sauce, seule demande de ma part, un A dans un des deux prénoms du personnage pour faire les deux A ^^ Et si possible, un prénom et un nom à consonance américaine mais ce n'est pas obligatoire Smile
Lien : Lien non négociable bien sûr, il peut paraître assez complexe comme ça mais il n'en est rien, c'est un lien de meilleure amie ayant connu un bas très profond et qui désormais sont dans le haut de leur amitié. Petit plus, j'ai déjà plein d'idées pour nos deux comparses !
Présence : Etant très présente sur le forum, j'aimerais quelqu'un d'actif mais je sais qu'on a tous une vie en dehors du forum et par conséquent, je ne vous demanderez pas d'être là H24 et 7 jours sur 7 ^^

Voilà, je crois que c'est tout. Saches toi qui lit ces lignes, si tu prends mon scénario, je te vénérerais, te construirais tous les monuments du monde à ton effigie et ferais avec toi plein de rp de folie ! Voilà, je t'aiiiiime déjà (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516

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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyMer 20 Nov - 22:37

Commande express ? J'aime bien les histoires compliquées et les âmes torturées (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyJeu 21 Nov - 20:19

Han déjà ? (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518 Merci beaucoup (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516
Tu vas voir, on va se faire une multitude de Rps d'enfer (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 1:00

Je suis là ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2665130896
J'adore ton scénario et j'espère être à la hauteur de celui-ci !  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 13:53

Haaaaaan meeeeeeerci (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516

Je t'aaaaaaaaaime déjà énormément (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516

 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349   (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4036264572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349   (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4036264572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349   (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4036264572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349   (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4036264572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349   (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4036264572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349   (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4036264572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349   (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4036264572
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 14:47

Wahou ! Je ne pensais pas être accueillis comme ça ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 14:49

Pourtant tu le mérites (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 14:51

J'hésitais à la prendre mais vue l'accueille auquel j'ai droit, je suis bien contente de l'avoir prise !  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818 
J'espère vraiment être à la hauteur du personnage de Allyson !
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 14:55

Il n'y aucune raison que tu ne sois pas à la hauteur, je suis sûre que tu sera une joueuse fantastique  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058 
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 9 Fév - 14:59

Merci c'est gentil !  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3775182459 
Du moins je vais essayer mais comme le personnage m'inspire, il ne devrais pas avoir de soucis !  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyMar 25 Mar - 14:44

Bouh! Devine qui viens d'arriver?  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3872617311 
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptySam 29 Mar - 11:43

LA PLUS BELLE DES MEILLEURES AMIES  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443 

Merci de tenter mon scénario  :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: :cookie2: 

Je t'aime déjà  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072
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Abigaïl Sky Hodgkins

Fondatrice ► Un peu barrée
Abigaïl Sky Hodgkins
► MESSAGES : 506
► ICI DEPUIS : 03/11/2013

(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptySam 29 Mar - 11:50

Et moi aussi au passage, parce que tu rends Ava heureuse ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptySam 26 Avr - 19:39

Livraison expresse ?
Je suis hyper interessée par ton scénario, et je crois qu'il est à nouveau dispo ? Enfin, bref, si tu es d'accord...? (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 27 Avr - 12:23

Il est totalement disponible pour toi (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516
Meeeerci  de tenter mon scénario  I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove I love you  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3326197710  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3090618818  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  274153572  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  786104092  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3784470464  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2466532349  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3198229072  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2922502411  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1331041516  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1628718169  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1883251774  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1429068600  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2382776443  :cookie2:  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3145858882  loove
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same ! (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  EmptyDim 27 Avr - 12:31

Merci beaucoup ♥️

De riiiiien, merci à toi de l'avoir créé *-*  (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  4107357516 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1006002599 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2749408893 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  2197881105 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1614190271 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  3724425518 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  80507058 (F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  1133628879 
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !  Empty
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(F) D. LOVATO - You and me, the perfect team. We're one and the same !

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